Tuesday, 20 January 2015

super hero grid

 using a grid i took an original image and copyed it by focusing on specific parts inside of certain areas.

i finished a total of 5 squares but if given more time i would have liked to have finished more.

Monday, 19 January 2015

fairytale cartoons

 to begin with i researched grim tales. after looking at multiple tales i decided on little red riding hood.

i had to draw three different images of both a dark and then a childish version of the same character.
I did not manage to finish all three of the images for i had broken hands and this made the drawing portion difficult. i spent a little bit too long on my childish drawing.

if i were to do things differently i would have took less time on the childish drawing and added more detail to the horror version

 these were the images i used as source materials. i used the first picture to get the idea for the pose of my dark drawing. for the childish drawing i used the second picture as a reference point for the face style

Monday, 12 January 2015

scribble drawing

i first looked at an ink patterns and wrote down what i could see in the ink pattern. then after doing that i chose one ink pattern and drew a sketch of what i saw.

 i then drew some random scribbles and used them to get ideas for characters. i then drew an outline of the key parts of the character and continued to ad detail.

i continued to do this until i had multiple drawings of different creatures using the scribbles.

Tuesday, 6 January 2015


 i took an image of a dog and drew it in a cartoon style. i kept key features of the dog so that it stays recognisable

i also did a self characature
i also did a cartoon of a blob fish

Monday, 5 January 2015

pixel art

when doing my pixel art i used already made characters from the games castle crashers and battle block theatre the other two were the kid from bastion and the portal logo.


pixel artists

pix artists

Ercan Akkaya
Ercan Akkaya takes known super heros and strips them down to their key design features and draws them in pixel art style while still keeping them recognisable 

Christian Zuzunaga

Christian Zuzunaga uses pixel art on thing like furnature and decorative pieces instead of characters

Richard Evans
Richard evens normaly takes known animated characters and redoes them in a pixel art style.